Is Home Inspection Career Training Right For You? Take The Free Quiz

This is Sheila Corman's Graduate Success Story
Why did you select the Carson Dunlop Home Inspection Training Program?
It was the best and most comprehensive. The range of classroom to self-study meant a focus on both academic and hands-on training, which I feel provided the most extensive training available in the industry.
Did you undertake the Program through our online learning format or in a classroom setting?
I took the Program through in-classroom training at a college. The in-class learning style was a huge benefit for me since it gave me the ability to hear an instructor and learn from other students.
What advice would you give to students who are currently enrolled in the Carson Dunlop Home Inspection Training Program?
The biggest thing would definitely be to stay ahead of the work. This is not a “cake walk” of a program; it’s highly intensive and content heavy, which means that falling behind in the course work will put you at a huge disadvantage.
What advice would you give to new students considering entering the home inspection profession?
Networking with other home inspection companies or mentors will make the transition into the industry easier — see how industry associations can help you. Also, the field experience being offered in the program is an amazing benefit and something every new Inspector should participate in.
Would you recommend the Carson Dunlop Home Inspection Program to others?
I would absolutely recommend this course to anyone interested in becoming a home inspector.
Is a Rewarding Career as a Home Inspector Right for You? Get More Info…
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Carson Dunlop is a registered career college under the Ontario Career Colleges Act, 2005. That means our program is held to a higher standard than non-registered programs, so you get increased peace of mind, knowing you will get what you pay for.